Thursday, September 8, 2022Relationship Tripping with Jaye Johnson and Joe Richman
It doesn't take much to re-ignite your relationship. Start with this...
Tuesday, September 6, 2022Playing the Infinite Game with Billy Oppenheimer
The writer and researcher Billy Oppenheimer on why the work IS the win and what it means to play the infinite game. Also, we talk about Seinfeld.
Thursday, September 1, 2022Doing the Thing That Works with Yifat Clein
Yifat Clein is a social worker and mom from Detroit. ---Meditating Daily with Jen Rusciano---Leave Zak your advice by calling 844-935-BEST---IG: @best...
Tuesday, August 30, 2022Make Sweet Treats for your Neighbors with the Detroit Hoodsteaders!
Dakarai Carter is a community activist and youth worker. Kamaria Gray is a self-proclaimed domestic goddess and a youth worker. Together they are The ...
Thursday, August 25, 2022The Time Hack Everyone Should Know with Michelle Drouin and Claudia Dawson
Today's episode is inspired by this Michelle Drouin's article, The Time Hack Everyone Should Know.---Claudia Dawson is a writer and a poet. ---I recom...
Tuesday, August 23, 2022GO TO BURNING MAN (literally or metaphorically) with Rico Gagliano
Rico Gagliano is the host/writer/editor of the MUBI Podcast.---Choose the Bigger Life with Gretchen Rubin---Leave Zak your advice by calling 844-935-B...
Thursday, August 18, 2022Acting Like You Belong with Evangeline Garreau
Evangeline Garreau writes the Good Questions newsletter. She was last on the show talking about complimenting people.---You're a Traveler not a Touris...
Tuesday, August 16, 2022Beyond Gut Checks with Dr. Emily Anhalt
Dr. Emily Anhalt is a clinical psychologist, Emotional Fitness expert, international speaker, author, and the Co-Founder and Chief Clinical Officer of...
Thursday, August 11, 2022A Wipe in the Woods with Aiden Church
Aiden Church has worked as a wilderness guide in Colorado and British Columbia.---Send Zak your poop advice @844-935-BEST---Check out past TBAS episod...
Tuesday, August 9, 2022Floating Sound with Rikke Houd
Rikke Houd is a Danish independent working in the field of crafted audio storytelling and documentary art.---Leave Zak your advice by calling 844-935-...
Thursday, August 4, 2022Morning Joy Practice with Brandi Stanley
Brandi Stanley writes and podcasts at This Plus That. Here's what Brandi wrote about her joy practice. ---Thanking and Planing with Brody and Lainey--...
Tuesday, August 2, 2022You're a Traveler not a Tourist with Evan Stern
Evan Stern hosts the travel show, Vanishing Postcards.---Leave Zak your travel advice by calling 844-935-BEST---IG: @bestadviceshowhome: